私たちの生活に幸せや潤おいを与えてくれるのは、愛情と五感(香り、優しい色、柔らかな肌ざわり)とだとlilinoeは考えております。 ストレスの多い現代社会において、私たちに愛情を与えてくれる動物や植物の役割がとても重要になってきています。 lilinoeは家族の一員である動物たちに、優しい色合いと選び抜かれた柔らかな生地で、その子その子にあったオーダーメイドのお洋服をお作りしております。 さらに人と動物たちの生活に、香りと彩りを添えてくれるお花や植物たちもお届けしております。
Deliverling Small Happiness
We believe that love and the five senses (fragrance, gentle colors, and soft texture) are what bring happiness to our lives. In today's stressful society, the role of animals and plants that give us affection has become very important. lilinoe makes custom-made clothes for animals, which are members of the family, with gentle colors and carefully selected soft fabrics that suit each child. We also deliver flowers and plants that add fragrance and color to the lives of people and animals.
Ordermade Cloth
- <lilinoeのこだわり>
- 生地はリバティやウィリアムモリスなど上品な柄で、着心地のよいテクスチャーのものを厳選
- ボタンはなるべく使わないデザイン。使用するときは貝やクルミなど自然からの物で動物が誤飲して安全なものを使用
- 一着一着日本の職人の手作業で丁寧に作られお客様の元へお届け
Please share with lilinoe designers the characteristics of your dog, which only the family member know, and we will tailor the clothes only for your dog. For active dogs, it is easy to put on and take off, and for dogs who are not good at wearing clothes, we have devised a back hook. Lilinoe aim to create a design that maximizes the comfort and charm of your dog.
- <Lilinoe care much about...>
- The fabrics are carefully selected with elegant patterns such as Liberty and William Morris, with comfortable textures.
- Our clothes uses as few buttons as possible. When using bottons, we use natural products such as shellfish and walnuts that are safe for animals to swallow.
- Each piece is carefully made by hand by Japanese craftsmen.
Ordermade Leish
- <lilinoeのこだわり>
- パラコードはアメリカ軍がパラシュートで、biothenは馬具で使用している強度と耐久性の優れているもの
- リードの太さもワンちゃんの体重や活発度合いに合わせて作成
- 雨やプールでも使用でき、何度でも洗える素材
- 金具は安全性の高い犬用金具を使用
We make custom-made paracord leads and biothans to suit your family's needs. Our paracords are not only comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns, but it is also extremely durable as it uses seven cores per rope. Biothane (name can be printed) is a colorful and supple material, but it is also durable, waterproof, and antibacterial enough to be used by the US military and harness, making it perfect for playing in the water and walking on rainy days. We will make designs to meet the needs of your family and dogs, such as shoulder leads for jogging and walking, cafe leads for outings, and multi-dog leads that do not get tangled.
- <Lilinoe care much about...>
- Paracord is used by the U.S. military for parachutes, and biothen is used for harnesses, and has excellent strength and durability
- The thickness of the leash is also made according to the weight and activity level of the dog
- Material that can be washed many times and can be used in the rain or pool
- The metal fittings are for dog use that are high in safety
Our Philosophy
今、世界の中で特に先進国では少子高齢化が進み、ペットと人がとても身近になり、これに伴って人の生活の中でのペットの役割がとても重要になってきています。ペットたちが快適に過ごせることが実は飼い主たちの豊かな生活のためにも重要です。 lilinoeは人とペットの関係を良好にすることによって幸せに社会になることを目標といたします。
Today, especially in developed countries, the declining birthrate and aging population are progressing which made pets and people very close. Along with this, the role of pets in our lives became very important. It is neccessay for the owners to live a rich and happy life that pets can spend comfortably. We aims to create a society with high quality of life style by improving the relationship between humans and animals.
About us
- 会社名 : 株式会社 lilinoe
Company Name : lilinoe Co., Ltd. - 創設者・代表取締役 : 江面 佐季子
Founder and CEO : Sakiko Ezura - 資本金 : 1000万円
Capital : 10 million yen - 事業内容 :
Business Content :
① Manufacture, sale and import/export of pet food and pet supplies
② Management of pet shops and gardening shops
③ Holding and management of lectures, seminars and various events